"Processed food makes processed people" - Padriac
Padriac (@TheCarnivoreUK) is a secondary school teacher whose life transformed once he switched his diet from the standard Western version to a carnivore diet consisting of animal products only.
In this episode, we develop our conversation from our last podcast and
"Fasting resets everything. If nothing can help you, then the only solution is to fast. Fasting is the first type of medicine. Because if you don't have any tools, no supplements, no herbs, the only thing you can do is drink water and fast." - Dobrynja
"If you choose to abrogate your right to vote, you're in tacit agreement with whatever government has been elected. They tell us we are governed by consent. If you stay at home and you don't vote, you are giving up your right to vote and
"I've come across quite a new piece of information, which is very powerful for residential mortgages, especially as it's based around the same principle that they've sold your mortgage. They sell the mortgage to a special purpose vehicle (SPV), and quite often, these
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