Updated link for tonight's show

Hey friend and valued subscriber, Here's the updated link for tonight's live on YouTube, or click on the video above. Look forward to seeing you there! Stay well. Live free. Be sovereign. Loz

Join me TONIGHT- Friday 7th July - 7 pm UK time

Hey friend and valued subscriber, We're going live for Episode 58 of Eyes Wide Open tonight on YouTube at 7 pm UK time, and I’d love for you to join me. Once again, I’ll review some of the most intriguing news stories of the week to

Join me tonight - Friday 30th June at 7 pm

0:00/1× Hey friend, Tonight's the night! We're going live for Episode 57 of Eyes Wide Open this week. At 7 pm UK time, I'll be going over some of the most intriguing news stories of the week with you, we'll



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