Peter Gray one of the world's leading experts on Homeschooling and Self-Directed Learning joins me to discuss the revolution in Education and how harmful forced schooling is for our children.
Peter Gray one of the world's leading experts on Homeschooling and Self-Directed Learning joins me to discuss the revolution in Education and how harmful forced schooling is for our children.
Luigi Sciambarella one of the world's leading experts on Astral Projection joins me to discuss the Psychic Revolution,
Lyn Buchanan joins me to discuss his time as a US Army intelligence officer working in Project Stargate as a trainer of Psychic Soldiers.
Kathryn Watkins joins me to discuss the horrific sex education legislation for three year olds the Welsh government is forcing through and how a band of Welsh mothers are fighting back.
Phil Micans Editor of Aging Matters Magazine and Co-founder of the IAS Group joins me to discuss how we can push back against the BigPhama sickness model.
Stuart Hill joins me to discuss Who Really Owns England? How to Start your Own Nation and Allodial Title the Key to Sovereignty.
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