Hey friend and valued subscriber,
Just a quick heads up.
We're going live for Episode 57 of Eyes Wide Open this week.
On Friday, 30th June, at 7 pm UK time, I'll be going over some of the most intriguing news stories of the week with you – you can join in on the live chat on YouTube.
I'll also be responding to your questions or comments in real time.
Let's review this week's news together so we can get to the bottom of what's really going on, resist and survive.
You can catch it on YouTube, Twitter and Rumble.
Am looking forward to seeing you there.
Don’t miss it!
Until then,
Stay well. Live free. Be sovereign.
P.S. Don’t forget to save the date Friday 30th June at 7 pm UK time.
P.P.S. Thank you for being here. If you know of anyone else who might benefit from my content, it would be great if you could share this email with them.
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